· By Three Foragers
How To Be Green, This Halloween
Halloween is a great time of year, for those young and old(er), but there’s something that’s hard to pay attention to during this spooky season. How much we’re consuming. And we don’t just mean how much tasty candy we’re indulging in, but other items like costumes, bags, and decorations too.
While we’re not saying to scrap all of the best bits of Halloween, we are sharing our suggestions on how to celebrate this Halloween in a more environmentally conscious way.
1. You Don’t Have To Buy A New Costume Every Year
You’d be surprised at what great finds are floating around your local thrift store. And, for the craftier amongst you, why not update one of your old costumes? Add some jewels to your old witches costume, and turn it into a medieval royals costume.
2. Use Solar Powered Halloween Lights
This would greatly reduce your electricity bill too. If you can’t find solar powered lights, aim to use LED lights which are far more efficient.
3. Stay Local
If you’re taking the kids trick-or-treating, there’s no need to drive across town to the most decked-out neighbourhood, we’re sure your neighbours have plenty of tasty treats too. Keeping the car turned off will certainly contribute to a green Halloween.
4. Don’t Waste Your Pumpkins
Pumpkin carving is one of the highlights of Halloween (at least for us). In the past, we’ve been guilty of throwing the pumpkin seeds away when there are an array of ways to use them. They could be dried out and added to salads and breads. They could be pressed to create pumpkin oil. Or, they can at least be a nourishing addition to a compost pile.
5. Choose Environmentally Conscious Snacks
Heavily processed candies use a lot of energy. On top of that, food packaging also requires a lot of power to be made, and plastic wrappers, often aren’t easily recyclable.
Look for locally, ethically produced snacks. Better yet, look for locally, ethically produced snacks in recyclable or compostable packaging!
Our honey caramels are a prime example of how tasty snacks can be produced and packaged in a “green” way. All of their wrappers and bags are 100% compostable!
So, there are our top tips. What are yours? Right now, we’re asking you to share your ideas with us on Facebook for a chance to WIN three bags of our honey caramels, just in time for Halloween!
Good luck, and happy haunting!