What's new on the farm:
Happy Holidays everyone!
I wanted to express my sincere thanks to you.
Everyone who has replied with comments or support,
or has purchased honey and caramels from us,
or has spread the word to your friends and family,
or has taken the time to read this newsletter to learn about our food system - it all makes a big difference to us!
This business is a really small business. It involves myself, Andrew, a small and mighty crew of 6 seasonal beekeeping assistants and 1 part time production assistant. And lots of help from our parents and family.
Being able to spend our lives producing healthy, real honey and for people like you is a real privilege for us.
And so we are really grateful that you have chosen to support us instead of a big corporation.
It honestly makes our day when we hear how you have added our products to your healthy routines, and pushes us to keep going.
I hope that your new year ahead is full of health, gratitude, peace, and love!